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Leon Dabo Armory Show of 1913 Paintings

Many exhibitions have been held in the vast spaces of U.S. National Guard armories, but the Armory Show refers to the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art that was organized by the Association of American Painters and Sculptors, the first large exhibition of modern art in America. The three-city exhibition started in New York City's 69th Regiment Armory, on Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets, from February 17 until March 15, 1913. The exhibition went on to show at the Art Institute of Chicago and then to The Copley Society of Art in Boston, where, due to a lack of space, all the work by American artists was removed. The show became an important event in the history of American art, introducing astonished Americans, who were accustomed to realistic art, to the experimental styles of the European vanguard, including Fauvism, Cubism, and Futurism. The show served as a catalyst for American artists, who became more independent and created their own "artistic language."
Leon Dabo exhibited four oil paintings in the original Armory Show of 1913. They are listed in the original catalogue as #850 "Iona Island," #851 "Before The Storm," #852 "Canadian Night," and added later #1092 "Evening North Serra" a.k.a. "Evening North Sierra" and "Evening North Shore" (Long Island).

These rare paintings are the only two Leon Dabo Armory Show paintings known to exist today.

"Evening North Serra" by Leon Dabo,NA Armory Show of 1913
"Canadian Night" by Leon Dabo, NA, Armory Show of 1913

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